Never have we had greater access to knowledge than we do right now…


Limitless information resides all around us. Advancements in technology are enabling people to access that information and gain knowledge quicker than ever before. But is this a good thing? Have we become so dependent on technology that we can no longer cognitively think for ourselves? What is technology doing to humanity?
In many ways I think technology has opened the door for people to expand their horizons and learn things they otherwise would not have. Being able to watch a step by step video on how to build a deck, fix a truck, or even cook a delicious meal has value as it serves to increase people knowledge in new areas. The real concern is whether or not technology starts to impact our creativity and problem solving skills. Without such skills, what would happen when things break or fall apart? Technology has the ability to do a lot of good, but as we all know, machinery can break and sometimes not work properly. There will be point where we need to be able to do things for ourselves and maintaining our ability to think critically and creatively will be key.

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